West Windsor Volunteer Fire Company #1

Proudly Serving Since 1921

  • Support Us

    Consider making a monetary donation to support our Volunteer Fire Company. We survive mostly from donations from our community and local businesses.

  • Join Us

    Consider signing up to be a Volunteer Firefighter, start your life changing journey today! We are an all-volunteer fire station and need your help, don’t wait, sign up!

  • Hall Rental

    We offer a large hall space to rent and host parties, celebrations, meetings, and more! Our hall is affordable, convenient, and helps pay for our noble cause.

Welcome to the West Windsor Volunteer Fire Company #1, Station 43!

Incorporated in 1921, located in Mercer County New Jersey, the West Windsor Fire Co. provides fire protection for West Windsor Township as well as surrounding townships through various mutual aid agreements. We respond to fires, motor vehicle accidents, hazardous materials incidents, and many other emergencies that occur within the community. 

We need your help! Consider making a tax free donation to keep our volunteers and trucks responding to your emergencies! 

“Be part of the tradition!”

— Former Chief Carmine Cirillo

Operation Santa 2024

OPERATION SANTA UPDATE: Wednesday’s (12/18) route will be rescheduled for Sunday (12/22) night, Santa will see you soon!

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why... Santa Claus is coming to town!!!

It's that time of year and we are happy to announce that we will be doing our Santa runs on Wed, Thurs, & Fri, 12/18, 12/19, & 12/20/2024, our rain date is Sat 12/21! We start around 6pm each night, so get ready!!!

  • We are going to make it to as many neighborhoods as we can - please do keep in mind that this is subject to change, especially for weather and responding to emergencies.

  • Patience please, we are all volunteer and doing the best we can!

  • We share our Santa routes with our sister company PJVFC! We cover half the town and they cover the other half, so you may be visited by Santa 43 or Santa 44 depending on where you live.

  • Our routes have been planned for many years, and you may see us "near" your residence on one night, and then turn away. Rest assured we'll return soon to your street as our route dictates, check the routes!

Ho Ho Ho!!! See you soon! And be good! (and stay safe :)

Sign Me Up!

Help Protect our community by becoming a member of Station 43. You will make protecting and helping the residents and businesses of West Windsor and its neighboring cities your personal responsibility. This may involve extinguishing fires, rescuing victims of car accidents, and responding to the many fire, smoke and carbon monoxide alarm activations.

Change your life Once your journey begins as a member you will be forever changed, joining the ranks of the country's fellow brother and sister fire fighters.